GEMS has been the key in leading inclusive and innovative global education practices. Driven by a singular purpose, to put a quality education within the reach of every learner. For them, we are a window into a vibrant tomorrow - to their future, and their endless potential. Across the globe our schools are passionate about equality and providing inclusive opportunities to our students as well as their families. It is through our need to continue to lead in inclusive education practices that the GEMS Link services was established. Driven to provide quality therapeutic support systems for our families to avail to whilst ensuring the skills of our educators continue to expand in supporting our future citizens. The GEMS Link services aim to provide caring, holistic and multidisciplinary services to children and adolescents who may be experiencing developmental delays.

Services Offered

By providing the services within our schools it further offers the opportunity for your child’s teachers to develop the solid understanding and skills on how to continue to support your child in their journey of development.

We have a dedicated, high quality, DHA licensed team of therapists to provide:

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy – develops and enhances your childs’ age-appropriate motor, sensory, behavioural, cognitive and social skills. Interventions are age appropriate and multidisciplinary with the primary goal to enable your child to participate in the activities of everyday life.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy – supports children and adolescents with their speech, language and communication needs using holistic assessment, observation and evidence based individualised intervention programs. Programmes may have focused areas on speech sounds, fluency, oral motor skill development, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) and social communication.

The team within the Link services, work collaboratively with your child’s team of educators and you as parents to ensure personalized, meaningful and sought-after interventions are developed to support in the holistic development of your child.

All therapies are cost neutral and occur on school premises to assist your child in an environment they feel supported within. This eliminates unnecessary travel time after school to additional services and provides you, as a family, more time to spend together.


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