Rachel White

Head of Year 2

Hello, my name is Ms. Rachel and I am thrilled to be starting my seventh year here in Gems Metropole School. I am from Kilkenny, Ireland and I hold a B.Ed. in Education from Froebel College of Education, which is part of Trinity College in Dublin.

Having adopted my college’s ethos, I place a huge emphasis on child centered learning and have learned to nurture each individual pupil’s imaginations, self-confidence and academic abilities to ensure that each pupil reaches their own individual potential.

Furthermore, I place great value on the involvement of parents in their child’s education. To this end, I believe in open communication between teachers and parents/guardians and the importance of creating a welcoming ‘open-door’ classroom environment.

The Year 2 teachers are delighted to welcome new and returning students to Metropole. We have planned a wide variety of exciting and challenging topics to help your child discover, learn and grow this year into kind and caring people. I look forward to seeing amazing progress in all of the children in Year 2 this year and what we discover on our journey together.